
5/9: Lick Creek to Site by Spring

Miles 563.8-579.2 (15.4 mi.) Total ascent 4662’; descent 3766’ As much as I try to live in the moment out here, Rachel and I had a heck of a lot of fun dreaming about our visit to Washington, D.C. today. We hashed out plans to meet my family there in just over a month, when […]


5/8: Reed Creek to Lick Creek

Miles 552.4-563.8 (11.4 mi.) Total ascent: 3461‘; descent: 3812‘ We notched our belts with a new type of obstacle today: the ford. High water took out the bridge to Lick Creek, our campsite for the evening. We were tempted to camp at the south side of the waterway, but Rachel rightly pointed out it would […]


5/7: Chatfield Memorial Shelter to Reed Creek

Miles 541.1-552.4 (11.3 mi.) Total ascent: 2375’; descent 2976’ As a kid, I could’t understand the appeal of birdwatching. Why not mammal-watching, or reptile-watching? Why not just hit a ball around on manicured turf and keep an eye out beyond the rough?  I had one of those experiences today that helps me understand the excitement […]


5/6: Travel Inn to Chatfield Memorial Shelter

Miles 534.3-541.8 (6.8 mi) Total ascent: 1916′; descent 1946′ Tonight will be our first night staying in a trail shelter, to which we arrived early and in which the sole other hiker here didn’t seem interested in staying. Not wanting to end at 3 p.m., I’d wanted to press on. Rachel argued that if we […]


5/5: Zero in Marion, Virginia

If I struggled to see the positives in yesterday, I couldn’t stop looking at them today.  Rachel and I woke up around 9 a.m. — I was up until midnight on my phone, I admit — and listened to the hum of the air conditioner for a few minutes. It didn’t sound so different than […]


5/4: Unnamed Stream to Pat Jennings Visitor Center

Miles 527.4-534.3 (6.9 mi.) Total ascent: 1814’; descent: 1198’ Long-distance hiking involves a number of inevitabilities. It’s possible to mitigate heat, bug bites, foot pain, and the like, but it’s impossible to opt out of them altogether. When I initially sat down to write this post, I was feeling sour about two such inevitabilities: hiking […]


5/3: Fox Creek to Stream Near VA 670

Miles 511.8-527.4 (15.6 mi.) Total ascent: 3540′; descent 4413′ Rachel and I eat a lot of things on the trail that we wouldn’t in our “real” lives. But tonight, we made a dinner so comically gross that we chose to throw the final 20% away uneaten. Our recipe, not that we’d ever suggest making it, […]


5/2: Deep Gap to Fox Creek

Miles 496.6-511.8 (14.9 mi.) Total ascent: 2444′; descent 3862′ We saw not one, not two, but five-plus wild ponies today! We learned at an area known as “Scales,” where livestock was once weighed for sale, that the ponies were reintroduced to the area in the 1960s in order to maintain the grasslands where cattle once […]


5/1: Luther Hassinger Memorial Bridge to Deep Gap

Miles 484.3-496.6 (12.6 mi.)Total ascent: 4442′; descent 2221′ Before I get to today’s events, I’d like to ask all present and future namers and namesakes of trail features to please ensure their name isn’t already in use on the AT. Searching “Deep Gap” in Guthook yields three different points on the trail [also see: Sassafrass […]


4/30: Tent Site North of Damascus to Luther Hassinger Memorial Bridge

Miles 472.2-484.3 (11.6 mi.) Total ascent: 3698′; descent: 3547′ A third rat snake we saw not 100 yard from our tent site let one get away last night: Some rodent decided to chew a dozen holes in Rachel’s rain jacket, which, of course, we’d already replaced. I shook the mouse turds off around 7 a.m., […]